Serving Lake & McHenry Counties


LCCIL is offering internships for high school students with disabilities interested in learning office and computer skills.

If you are interested in building your resume with the following skills, then apply for this great opportunity:

  • Office skills - Reception duties, filing, faxing, accessing and using cloud based programs, typing skills and more. environment
  • Self-Advocacy & Communication Skills - Learn the skills to self-advocate and effectively communicate in the workplace.

For more information, or to request an application, contact Kris Murray:, 608-921-1634

We are open to the public by appointment and as always are serving folks in the community as well! You can contact us the way you always have; our phone number(s) and emails are the same. Please call us at 847-949-4440 or email us at if you would like to receive information or services.

Vulnerable populations continue to be cognizant of the risks of COVID-19 and its variants. Suggestions for persons with disabilities and older adults can be found here: LCCIL has been distributing free testing kits to the individuals we serve. If you are a person with a disability or a family member of a person with a disability and are in need of testing kits please contact us at 847-949-4440 or send an email to us at LCCIL through its partnership with the federal Administration on Community Living (ACL) does currently have testing kits available for free distribution.

LCCIL Helping You to Prepare for Emergencies

The recent pandemic has taught us that we aren’t as prepared as we thought. To help with this, LCCIL is working to prepare individuals with disabilities and their families with the tools needed to be ready for a disaster, emergency or pandemic. If you would like to learn more, feel free to contact Claudia Mancera at: 847-949-4440 ext. 212 or via email at

May everyone continue to stay well and be kind!

Lake County Center for Independent Living's Mission

...LCCIL empowers people with disabilities to lead self-directed lives as valued members of the community.

Who We Are . . .

Lake County Center for Independent Living, serving Lake and McHenry counties, is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit, disability rights organization. We exist to ensure that all people with disabilities have the tools they need to live independently. Governed and staffed by a majority of people with disabilities, we are a consumer-controlled organization, which means the services we provide are those chosen by our consumers. To learn more, click our ABOUT US page.